Fachverband Holzpflaster e.V. | Rethelstraße 28 Hof | 40237 Duesseldorf | Germany

Cleaning and Care RE, WE and GE

Woodblock RE and WE



Following surface treatment, the contractor must provide the client with written care instructions. This should also contain instructions on the correct room climate.


In rooms where dirt and damp must be anticipated from outside areas, proper dirt-protection facilities in the entrance area should be taken into account in the planning and installation. Protective treatment If no other surface treatment has been agreed, woodblock WE must be treated with suitable oily agents containing paraffin after laying, in order to delay the absorption of damp and moisture. When using volatile (oily) agents, after-treatment measures are necessary, which should be taken from the care instructions of the manufacturing firms.

Supplementary instructions

In the assessment of the surface, it should be noted that woodblock is a rustic type of flooring. It may have joints due to the material and room climate. Joint width: RE, average up to 1 mm, WE, average up to 3 mm.
Wider joints can also be tolerated to a minor extent, provided that these do not significantly impair the overall impression
of the surface.

Woodblock GE


The written care instructions to be handed over after laying should also contained instructions on the correct room climate.


Dry brushing by hand or machine.

©2011 Fachverband Holzpflaster e.V.